Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear Professor Duffy,

GODOT tells me you're in search of revolutions; Santa Barbara is the Perfect Storm of Injustice.

Please come to Santa Barbara and assist The Whistleblowers in exposing the Education-Politico-Industrial Complex. Money is not the problem; management is.

After we expell the EducRat$ and BureaucRat$, creating the "Schools of Our Dreams" is no problem---we have model schools for the nation.



Duncan Waite, Ph.D.
Professor, Educational and Community Leadership
Editor, The International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE)
Director, The International Center for Educational Leadership and Social Change
328 ASBS
Texas State University
601 University Dr.
San Marcos, Texas 78666 USA
phone: 512.245.2304
Web site: http://www.txstate.edu/clas/Educational-Leadership/Program-Faculty/Duncan-Waite-Ph-D.html

Announcing IJLE's 10th Annual Emerging Scholars Manuscript Competition.
(Please feel free to copy the pdf and/or share the link with colleagues):
From: Francis M. Duffy, Ph.D. [fmduffy@earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 5:26 PM
To: fmduffy@earthlink.net
Subject: Will you help?

Dear friends and colleagues,

In the last edition of The F. M. Duffy Reports which you all received I shared with you my personal vision for transforming our education system and the more than 14,000 school districts that are part of that system. That vision, as many of you know, is built on a foundation created by many other researchers, education philosophers, and advocates—past and present.

In the last edition of my Reports I asked you what you will do to help transform America’s school systems. Paradigm change is challenging. We need all the help we can get to make this happen. I will be making a specific request for your help at the end of this note.

Fortunately, there is a growing number of innovators who are advocates for creating and sustaining paradigmatic change in school systems. Charles Reigeluth of Indiana University and I have been advocating for this shift for almost a quarter of a century. For 16 years I have published and distributed The F. M. Duffy Reports to more than 400 recipients (all of you), including school superintendents, state superintendents of schools, professors, principals, teachers, state and federal politicians with an interest in education reform, directors of education agencies, journal editors, and graduate students. I have published 9 books on how to create and sustain whole-system change. Charles has also published a lot on this topic.

I can remember when I first started making presentations about systemic change in the late 1980s I could see people’s eyes glaze over. They don’t glaze over any more because there is a growing recognition of the need to transform the education system and there are many people who are now advocating for that transformation. People get it, and as a result there is a growing interest in transformational change that is found in examples like these:

1. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) created the FutureMinds: Transforming American School Systems initiative several years ago (www.futureminds.us). FutureMinds provides the field with a field-tested transformational change methodology and set of tools that can bring to scale any model of personalized learning. That process is called the School System Transformation ProtocolSM.

2. AECT also has a Division for Systemic Change with members who all share an interest in how to create and sustain whole-system transformational change. Many of these members conducted field-based research on transformational change. The division has a website at http://systemic4change.wordpress.com/.

3. Rowman & Littlefield Education created a series of books that focus on various aspects of systemic change (http://www.rowmaneducation.com/bookseries/LSI).

4. Barbara McCombs directs the Human Motivation, Learning and Development Center at the University of Denver. McCombs’ current research is directed at new leadership models for redesigning outdated views of schooling and learning.

5. Clayton Christensen and Michael Horn, co-authors of “Disrupting Class” were interviewed by Joan Richardson (Executive Editor) in a Kappan article titled “Disrupting How and Where We Learn: An Interview with Clayton Christensen and Michael Horn.” (Available at http://www.kappanmagazine.org/content/92/4/32.abstract)

6. Eutopia published an article titled “Disrupting Class: Student-Centric Education Is the Future—How radical innovation will change the way we teach and kids learn” by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael B. Horn (available at http://www.edutopia.org/student-centric-education-technology).

7. Richard Elmore from Harvard University and several of his colleagues recently created a new interdisciplinary education leadership program to prepare superintendents to lead systemic change (http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news-impact/2009/09/harvard-university-to-offer-groundbreaking-doctoral-program-for-education-leaders/).

8. The Software and Information Industry Association, in collaboration with ASCD and the Council of Chief State School Officers (the association for state superintendents) co-sponsored a national symposium titled “Innovate to Educate: System [Re]Design for Personalized Learning.” A report from the 2010 symposium is found at (http://siia.net/pli/presentations/PerLearnPaper.pdf). Participants included two members of the FutureMinds advisory board (Gene Carter of ASCD and Chris Dede of Harvard University).
I know there are others working to create the paradigm shift that is so desperately needed in our education system, including some of you who receive my Reports. I apologize to those whom I did not mention. I am also sure there are people working in support of a paradigm shift of whom I am unaware. So, I am writing to ask for your help. I would like to compile a “directory” of “revolutionaries” who are doing something to transform our education system. I will compile all the names and affiliations that are sent to me and share the document with all of you. If you have examples of schools or school systems that have actually transformed to provide children with a personalized learning experience I would like to know that, too. I will also include those examples in the document that I will compile.

Will you help? I hope so.


Francis M. Duffy, Ph.D.

The F. M. Duffy Group

FutureMinds: Transforming American School Systems

R& L Education’s Leading Systemic School Improvement Series

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