Saturday, January 21, 2012

Subject: Kate Smith Arrested at SBSD School Board Meeting

(Read from bottom up)

Subject:Terry Francke email From:Terry []
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:51 AM
To: Karolyn Renard

Dear Karolyn,

By definition, a meeting at the attorney's office would be a special meeting for Brown Act purposes. And as you can see, a special meeting may be adjourned to a later time, but only once a quorum of the body has assembled to adjourn it.  In the case of a regular meeting for which no members show up, the clerk or secretary (normally the superintendent in the school board context) may declare the meeting adjourned and notice the time and place to which the body will convene, but this does not apply to a special meeting or it would have been so specified.

To repeat, special meetings may be adjourned by the body, but if the body does not show up at all, only a regular meeting may be adjourned clerically. The only options left for that circumstance would be to post a new notice of special meeting at least 24 hours in the future, or wait until the next regular meeting.

The criminal treatment of this incident seems entirely unlawful, since one cannot "trespass" on property designated by law as the forum for a public meeting, especially when no lawful procedure has been pursued to remove or cancel that designation.

Has this been reported in the press?

Terry Francke

Title 5: 54955 (Ed. note: "Adjourn" means "adjourn or delay to a later time")
The legislative body of a local agency may adjourn any regular, adjourned regular, special or adjourned special meeting to atime and place specified in the order of adjournment. Less than a quorum may so adjourn from time to time. If all members are absent from any regular or adjourned regular meeting, the clerk or secretary of the legislative body may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated time and place and he shall cause a written notice of the adjournment to be given in the same manner as provided in Section 54956 for special meetings, unless such notice is waived as provided for special meetings. A copy of the order or notice of adjournmentshall be conspicuously posted on or near the door of the place where the regular, adjourned regular, special or adjourned special meeting was held within 24 hours after the time of the adjournment. When a regular or adjourned regular meeting is adjourned as provided in this section, the resulting adjourned regular meeting is a regular meeting for all purposes. When an order of adjournment of any meeting fails to state the hour at which the adjourned meeting is to beheld, it shall be held at the hour specified for regular meetings by ordinance, resolution, bylaw, or other rule.

On Nov 16, 2011, at 10:28 AM,

Karolyn Renard wrote: Hi Terry,  I have what I hope will be a quickly-answered Brown Act question that I have not seen addressed anywhere.

The situation:  A person went to a noticed and agendized School Board meeting (one that, appallingly, was held at the downtown office of the School Board’s attorney, an attorney from a contracted private law firm).  The person showed up for the meeting, 15 minutes before it was to start.  The office staff told her the meeting time had been changed to later in the day and that she had to leave or they would call the police.  There was no claim that the time changed was due to an emergency of any sort. There was no other member of the public there.  She told them that she wanted to stay until the Board came and hear them formally cancel the meeting themselves, if they were in fact going to.  She had planned to speak at Public Comment.  They called the police on her – the police arrested her and the DA has charged her with trespassing.

The School Board is aware of what happened, although I don’t think they were present at the time. I would guess that she had a right to be there because they can’t just cancel a noticed/agendized meeting without good cause (an emergency), especially without even convening the meeting to announce the time change  (and probably, at minimum, would they have to have Public Comment since the meeting had been noticed/agendized?) .  I would also think they would have to formally re-notice and re-agendize the new meeting instead of just going ahead with it later that day, which is what they did.

Am I right?

Best Wishes, 

Karolyn Renard


  1. Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    I have been sentenced by Judge Eskin to 100 hours of community service (Case #1387214), having been found GUILTY of trespassing at a school board meeting (SEE Terry Francke Email:

    I will serve the community by educating them about Legal Abuse Syndrome, (it is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which falls under Americans Disabilities Act protections) . I submitted my diagnosis from Dr. Michael Geis on Friday.

    There are many non-profits interested in my educating the community about Legal Abuse Syndrome, School to Prison Pipeline, and the Brown Act. I wonder if the ACLU would agree to be my non-profit agency????

    Judge Eskin is married to Hannah-Beth Jackson, just-named by the SB Democratic Political Committee as State Assembly candidate. Because Occupy SB is occupied by SB Democratic Political Committee leaders, I was told, yesterday: "Off is the general direction in which we wish you would fuck!" LOL!

    Public Defender Hogan Ganschow filed the notice of appeal the same day as sentencing....judical error, prosecutorial misconduct and witness bias (ya think???).

    Throw me in the Briar Patch!


    k8longstory 4

  2. It was eight months, from arrest to sentencing so, unfortunately, there were dozens of "announcements" about court dates that were was A MILLION TO ONE that it would ever go to trial...

    Posted by Kate Smith to Occupy SB:

    Dear Occupy SB, i apologize for flipping off Ricardo Frucstoki (who was laughing and shaking his head while i was speaking at yesterday's meeting). My behavior was immature and unnecessary, and violated rules of consensus by showing disrespect. I am sorry that my loud and obnoxious demeanor drives the general assembly nucking futz. I hope with my absence, those "turned off" will return to Occupy SB activities. I am diagnosed with Legal Abuse Syndrome (googleable!) and have suffered severe and rampant retaliation by Bill Cirone and His Cronies. Occupy the School to Prison Pipeline! Expose EducRat$! Occupy the Public Podium! Namaste, k8longstory 4

    Like · · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago

    Ricardo Früstöckl:

    Apologizing then going on about what the other person was doing or how it was their fault (look what you made me do) is not apologizing. That is just sorry behavior. I sympathize for you and everything you are going through on personal level but to bring it up at every single meeting is to much for me personally. We all have our own personal problems, we don't make them the Occupy's. I wish you well and the best of luck with everything you are going through that does not mean I want hear all the details in GA's.

    (Ed. note: Oh, Ricardo, you don't like taking responsibility for the actions that prompted my behavior??? LOL!)
